
The memory of Diane’s first art class was when she was living in the Philippine Islands at the age of 7. The focus, concentration, and thrill of following the jagged mountain horizon-line with her mind and hand is still very clear many years later – a thrill she still feels today.

diane5Diane received a B.S. in Landscape Design in 1981. After graduating she worked as a freelance graphic designer at a printing company in Providence, Rhode Island. For the next 15 years she combined her interests in art and nature to become a Nationally Certified Interior Horticulturist. She owned and operated a small, successful interior landscaping company called Lotus Plants/Interior.

In 1996 Diane sold her business and reintroduced herself to painting with oils. Then she privately studied a few of her favorite artists: Renoir, Degas, Sargent, Schmidt, and Leffel. More recently, she has had the great fortune to learn from two extraordinary artists: oil and watercolor artist Peter Michael Gish and portrait artist Tony Janello. Both have a passion for sharing their art. Mike creates clarity in his work using a wonderful loose painting technique. Tony’s skills include building three dimensional, life-like portraits in any medium. She has also studied with Cedric and Joanette Egeli, nationally known pastel and oil portrait painters of Maryland. Every week Diane attends an artist salon at Mimi Sammis‘ home where we enjoy a healthy pot-luck and share our artist expressions.

Diane has drawn and painted a diverse collection of artwork. She enjoys copying from the Masters paintings because each one has a unique way of using their brushstroke to achieve the desired effect. She is taken out of her comfort zone, which allows her to expand her techniques. She will continue to create portraits of animals and people by drawing and using oil to give the portrait dimension, contrast and presence, allowing the artwork to come alive! In addition to New England, Diane has had much success in the Midwest. She plans  to do some more plein air painting of landscapes, water scenes and flowers.